
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Insurance Agent Reveals His Secrets to Huge Savings on Auto Insurance

Hi Folks, my name is Cesar Diaz, I am an auto insurance broker in the state of California.  I Operate two auto insurance agencies in California and an auto insurance website serving all United States.  I have many years of experience as an auto insurance agent and broker and through the years, I have figured out all ways to save money on your auto insurance. 

I have decided to share my secrets to saving money on your auto insurance because I don't believe that it's fair for people to pay more money for their auto insurance just because they don't know that they're eligible for a certain discount or maybe because they don't know a certain discount even exists!

I hope I don't get in trouble for sharing all my secrets but I feel it's only fair. (Maybe not for insurance companies but for the general public.)  Insurance companies have enough money anyway!  I believe insurance companies are among the wealthiest companies in the world.  Why do you think that is?  Thats because they rake in those expensive premiums that you pay for your auto insurance.

Well, here are my secrets revealed;  You might want to take some notes or even print this out that way the next time you obtain an auto insurance quote, you can reference this article and make sure you get all your available discounts.

First of all, most companies will ask for basic information for the purpose of obtaining your auto insurance quote such as name, gender, date of birth, marital status, zip code, whether you have current or prior auto insurance, how long have you been licensed (driving experience), driving record history (tickets and accidents), commute distance to work and annual mileage, occupation and type of use (personal or commercial), make and model of vehicle, alarms and equipment on vehicle, and coverage desired.

When people obtain auto insurance quotes, they just answer the questions being asked by the representatives, but have no idea why the questions are being asked.  What does being single or married have to do with getting an auto insurance quote?  Well, all questions being asked will affect your rate.  I am going to explain why all those questions effect your rate and I am going to tell you what answers will give you the best rate.

I am simply going to tell you what answers will give you the best rates; however, I do not suggest giving false information when obtaining a quote. It is important to give accurate answers but at the same time, it is important to know what answers will give you the best rates because if you don't currently fall into the "low rate" categories, you might in the future and since you know, you will want to contact your insurance company to inform them of any changes that will help you save money.

I am going to go step by step explaining each question asked by insurance agents and I will explain what answers give lowest rates.

1. Gender-  Most insurance companies offer cheaper rates for females due to statistics.  Less accidents have resulted from females vs males.  Could it be because most of the time, if a couple is in a vehicle, the male will usually drive?  Could it be because a housewife will not have the usual commute a husband would have driving back and forth to work every day?

2. Date of Birth-  Roughly, the early ages will generate a higher cost for insurance.  Rates will lower as a driver matures; however, rates increase again as a driver reaches the later years such as 60's and up.

3. Marital Status- Generally, a married driver will have a cheaper rate than a single driver.  This, again, is due to statistics.  Single drivers have a higher loss percentage.  Could this be because a married couple have drive less than a single, more active driver?  Some insurance companies will allow you to receive the married rate if you live with your "significant other" under common law marriage or they may give you the married rate if you are a single parent.  Be sure to ask if you fall under any other the above categories.  If you purchase your policy when you are single and get married midterm, be sure to contact your insurance company to get your "married rate".

4. Zip Code- Zip codes do affect your rates.  This again is based on statistics of a particular city.  Some cities may be congested with traffic and may have more accidents than others.  Some cities may have more theft than others, ect.  In general, the more a city is congested, the higher the rates are.

5. Current or Prior Insurance-  Some insurance companies will give you a discount if you have current insurance or have had an insurance policy recently cancel within the past 30 days.  If you have had an insurance policy within the last 30 days, be sure to inform your insurance agent because most agents will not ask you unless you tell them.

6. Driving Experience- The length of time you have been licensed is an important factor in determining a rate.  There longer you've had your license, the cheaper your rate.  If you have had a license in another state, be sure to include that in your driving experience.  Even if you were licensed in another country, it can be used to add to your driving experience although proof may be required.

7. Tickets and Accidents- Of course tickets and accidents affect your rate; however, tickets will not affect you until the violation is published on your driving record.  Usually not until you go to traffic court or pay your violation.  If you purchase your insurance policy before you go to court or pay your violation, it may not affect your rate until you renew your policy. (usually one year)  As far as accidents go, there are three ways to rate an accident: At fault with injury, at fault with no injury, and not at fault.  They all produce different rates in the order listed from highest to cheapest.  If you were at fault, but there was less that $750.00 of damage, you may be able to list it as non-fault so be sure to let them know.

10. Commute distance to work and annual mileage-  There farther you drive to work, the more expensive your auto insurance may be.  If you carpool or use alternative methods of commuting to work such as a work vehicle or you take a bus, be sure to inform your agent because this will help lower your rates.

11. Occupation and vehicle use- Occupation will affect your rate.  Some occupations are even unacceptable by insurance companies.  One such occupation is pizza delivery.  Since most pizza delivery drivers are on a time restraint, insurance companies see it as a high risk occupation and will decline coverage.  Some occupations will be acceptable but may classify your vehicle use as "commercial" or "artesian" use which will generate a high premium.  One example is a real estate agent.  A real estate agent drives during work vs. a machine operator stays in one location during work and is less exposed to an accident.  An example of artesian use is an electrician using his vehicle to drive to work locations.  Again, the electrician is using the vehicle during work and is more exposed to an accident.  If you fall under the above categories but drive a company vehicle, you may be exempt from the extra cost of falling into those categories.  On the good side, some auto insurance companies may give discounts for drivers with college degrees or if you are a student with a "B" or higher average you may qualify for a good student discount.

12.  Make and Model of Vehicle-  Some vehicle are generally expensive to insure.  One such vehicle is a Ford Mustang.  Although it is fairly inexpensive to purchase, it can be expensive to insure due to its "sports" performance.  It is a good idea to quote a vehicle for insurance before purchasing it as I have seen people have to return their vehicles because after purchasing the vehicle, they couldn't afford the auto insurance.  Four door vehicle are usually a bit cheaper to insure than two door vehicles.  Usually 4wd vehicle can be higher to insure vs. 2wd vehicles.  High end vehicles such as BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, Jaguar of course can be more expensive to insure than your average vehicle.  Bottom line, quote the auto insurance before buying the vehicle.

13. Alarms and Equipment- Auto insurance companies may offer discounts for vehicles with low jack or alarm systems.  If your vehicle has one, be sure to let your agent know.  Some companies will offer discounts for airbags and other safety features as well. 

14. Other- There are other discounts that you can take advantage of.  If you have more than one vehicle, be sure to insure them all on one policy to get your "multi-car" discount which can be 20% or more.  If you are a home owner, some insurance companies can offer "home owner" discounts.  If you have taken a driver's safety course you may be eligible for a discount as well.  Also if you keep your vehicle parked in a locked garage over night, be sure to ask if you can get a discount.

15.   rel=nofollow []Online Auto Insurance- Many insurance companies offer Online Auto Insurance which can be less expensive than your traditional auto insurance policy purchased in an office location.  This is because if you buy auto insurance online, insurance companies have less overhead because the policy is paperless and all the savings will be transferred to you.  Compare auto insurance quotes online.  Some websites offer one simple process for quotes from multiple well known auto insurance companies and you can even buy the policy online.  One such website is   rel=nofollow []  There you can compare quotes from top carriers and buy auto insurance online if you like.  Be sure to stop and get a quick quote and keep in mind the above 15 insider's secrets that I just revealed.  Since I took the time to write this detailed article, return the favor by getting a quick quote from my website listed above, actually I will be doing you another favor by saving you tons of money on your auto insurance.


Cesar Diaz, agent and broker

Cesar Diaz, California Insurance Agent and Broker of []Online Auto Insurance

Article Source: [] Insurance Agent Reveals His Secrets to Huge Savings on Auto Insurance

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Easiest Car Insurance Free Quotes

Easiest Car Insurance Free Quotes
By []Scott Walker

Imagine this! You are walking down the market place checking out the variety of rates for a box of apples. You scout the market on foot, personally checking with all vendors who have apple carts on display. The entire process takes you roughly about an hour as the market is spread out over a large area. You pass by those that quote a high rate and mentally check those that offer the sum that's nearest to what you can pay. At the end of the exercise you zoom in to the vendor who offers the best quote for the best quality as well. And then you pick your lot.  Something similar happens when you shop around for the best free quote in car insurance.

Let us first understand what insurance is.  Answer: Insurance is basically an agreement you make with an insurance company to secure yourself or your belongings in case of any eventuality. The insurance is payable in cash, the amount which is pre-decided between the insurance company and the insured. The insured pays a premium to the insurance company regularly towards this insurance cover.

Car insurance is insuring the car that you or your family/ employees would drive.  All car insurance companies provide quotes for your cars on request and you can get free quotes by spending some time looking around yourself.   Unlike going about the car insurance market on foot as described, there are easier ways to obtain some good free quotes.

Obtaining free quotes for your car insurance is something like this. All vehicles by law are required to have insurance. If your car is not insured you cannot drive it. Therefore you need to get a car insurance done at the earliest.

Now, how do you go about getting your quotes?

In today's internet savvy generation, car insurance quotes can be obtained free over the net. You can also find loads of information about numerous car insurance companies that operate in your district and those car insurance companies, which offer the best and free quotes as well. This helps cut any costs that may be associated in obtaining car insurance quotes from several car insurance agencies.

Let's assume you need a car insurance free quote today. What do you do? Simple, as a first step you log on to the net and run a search for car insurance free quote in your district. This will throw up several web links. You have to click on them to read and understand what the car insurance agencies offer, their free quote requirements, their policy and procedures and such information.

When you are scouting around for the relevant car insurance free quote information you will need some specific information regarding your car.  To start with you need to provide your personal contact information which would include name, contact numbers, email address, car driving license number and since when you have it etc.

Then you will need to fill in details about your car like the any current car insurance policies you are holding and their term.  This section will probe your car history (any accidents, tickets or violations), the car make and model (4 Wheel drive or sedan), your specific use of the car (to work/ cross-country), and details like if the car has airbags, security alarm system etc etc.

You will also need to clearly mention in your quote requirements what is the coverage amount you need like a full cover or liability only.  Also required by the car insurance companies is the bodily limit injury amount you are seeking.  Once you submit these details related to car insurance, your quote will be on its way.

All you need to do is await a number of free quotes from several car insurance companies. Once you have shopped around among the best car insurance companies in your district to get the best free quote, select one. You have to try to get the maximum car insurance benefits for your free quote.  If you find that you are not happy with the rates in the free quotes that the first lot of car insurance companies have sent you, there are ways to get even better free quotes.

Free quotes depend on the information you put in on the car insurance websites.  You can reduce the premium amounts mentioned in the free quotes drastically if you do any of the following and mention the same in your free quote request.  You park your car inside a garage. This eliminates damage and theft.  You set a 'break in warning alarm system in your car.   You alone drive your car instead of several persons.  You don't have a history of self-caused accidents or violations.  You don't need a car hire clause when your car is taken by the insurance agency for any repairs and many such important points.

So you see, you can get fantastic free quotes from reputed car insurance agencies for your car without moving out of your home.

Scott is a consultant at   Car Insurance Free Quote, a directory listing site with all your car insurance information needs.  If you have any other car insurance questions please visit

Article Source: [] Easiest Car Insurance Free Quotes

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Vehicle Insurance Claim

The process of how to make a vehicle insurance claim can be a bit complicated if you do not know what you are doing or have never done it before. On the other hand, if you have made a claim before you know that it should be a pain free procedure. Making a claim involves communicating a few things with your insurance company and letting them take it from there.

If you are in in accident, it is probable that you will want to make a claim against your insurance. The first thing to do when having to make a claim is call your insurance company. Once you get them on the phone they will ask you a few questions. One of the questions they will as is, whose fault is it? The insurance company will work with the insurance company of the driver of the other vehicle to determine who was at fault. Once this is determined, the process will carry on a lot quicker. If you have a good insurance agent and insurance company they will handle the vehicle insurance claim.

If you do make a claim your insurance premium will go up. This is because the insurance company will view you as a higher risk than they did before your accident. The higher risk you are, the higher premium you will pay. In some cases people will pay for accident expenses out of pocket in an effort to keep their premiums at a low level. Furthermore, if you become too much of a high risk, and have too many claims, the insurance agency will drop your coverage all together. In other words, they will no longer do business with you.

Making a vehicle insurance claim is a pretty simple process if you have a good company and agent. Knowing how to make a claim and what it will do to your premium will help you save money on insurance in the long run.

By receiving vehicle insurance quotes online I was able to save $105 per month.

To do the same, visit and enter your Zip Code. Within a matter of seconds you will have quotes that will help you save as much as me, or more!

Article Source:

Finding Cheap Car Insurance For Everyone

If you live in Michigan and you need to get your car insured but cannot find the right place to do it, then this article will give you some information on how you can find cheap car insurance Michigan, in the comfort of your own home. Here are a few things to help you get started.

One of these first things you can do is check through your local phone directory and find a list of insurers that are available in your local area. Once you have the phone numbers, make a list of some of the information that you may be asked when you call up. This may include what type of car you drive, how old you car is, have you had any accidents that were your fault, if so what date and year was it? If you have this information ready and on hand then you can easily answer any questions that may be asked.

When you call up remember you are only inquiring. See if you can get a quote of how much insurance will cost if you choose this particular company. Remember you do not have to take the first offer that is given to you, let the person on the phone know that you will have to think about it and get back to them. This will give you a chance to call up other insurers and collect quotes off them. By doing this you will be able to compare the companies and the quotes provided, to see which one has the better deal. This is a great way to finding cheaper insurance for your car.

If you want to expand your search then a suggestion of using the internet would be the next step. There are many different websites that are available that can give you free quotes for your car. Some of these sites specialize in selling this type of insurance and can be quite helpful. But always remember to compare the different sites and not jump straight into the first one you see. This is important so you can find the cheapest one possible.

If you are unsure about buying it off the internet then do a little research into the background of a desired company. For example do they respond to questions quickly, how long have they been in business, do they have easy to find contact details? Take everything into consideration when buying off the internet.

So if you are looking for cheaper car insurance then why not take the time to do your research and expand your searching field. This way you will be able to find the cheapest you can at an affordable price.

Get the ultimate inside scoop on where to find cheap car insurance Michigan for everyone now in our complete auto ins survey overview.

Article Source:

Cheap Auto Insurance For Teens

When looking for cheap auto insurance for teens it is important to keep in mind several factors about driving and what insurance providers are looking for. You see, as a teenager, you don't have any experience to show about your driving record or any kind of financial responsibility for that matter. If you're paying too much for insurance than it is best to understand that all auto coverage providers are different from each other and many can offer specials if you know how to get them.

There are some techniques to get cheap auto insurance for teens who can use that really work well. When in this economy, it's tough to be too savvy but sometimes you just have to because who can afford ridiculous premiums each month.

Here are a few tips that can help you obtain cheap auto insurance for teens:

- Have a good student record to show. Many institutions offer discounts for good students who get a 3.0 grade point average or better.

- Purchase an older vehicle. By having a new, fast, shiny and expensive car you will be charged higher monthly rates. The reason the do this is because it would cost them a lot more money to pay for damages from a new car than an old one.

- Use online resources to shop many providers. This is an invaluable technique where you only have to insert your information one time and then have handfuls of top-rated providers you can choose from.

It makes purchasing cheap auto insurance for teens much easier when you already have the layout and costs sitting right in from of you to compare from all of the providers. It sure beats sitting on the phone for hours or having to go sit at each insurance agents' office just for one quote.

The best resource for cheap auto insurance is right here. Just fill in your basic info and press continue and you'll have access to the lowest rates ever. All you have to do is => Click Here to begin saving on your insurance now.

Article Source: